genDESIGN has released an early development video of ICO in celebration of its 20th anniversary on December 6.
“This is an early development video of the PlayStation 2 title ICO, which was released on December 6, 2001,” genDESIGN said. “This was created around 1998 to share the game’s concept with the development team. This video was a breakthrough for the team, the light at the end of the title, when the staff, including [director Fumito] Ueda, were groping in the dark, not knowing what kind of game ICO would become. Despite video and sound imperfections such as scanlines and noise, as well as the debug display, we didn’t dare alter or edit the footage as to express the atmosphere of that time.”
ICO launched for PlayStation 2. It is also available for PlayStation 3 via The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection.
Watch the footage below.