Early this morning, I wrote up a short piece with a look into what collections should come to the PS2 with the recent God of War Collection announcement bringing the first two games to PS3. Now let’s stop dreaming and join reality. Both Capcom and Konami have commented on potentially giving the God of War treatment to other games, and their comments are quite interesting.
“We are constantly exploring unique ways to expose players to some of our legacy titles such as Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill”, a Konami representative told us. “Re-releasing games on Blu-ray presents an exciting opportunity for a publisher, however we have no announcements at this time”.
“I don’t want anyone reading this the wrong way (as I’m not saying anything like this could happen) but I’m seeing some interested for DMC to get this treatment”, said Capcom’s Christian Svensson, posting on the company’s Unity forums. “Are there other titles you’d like see go this way? I’m looking for some temperature readings”.
“We’re always looking at new ways of getting content on PS3”, Sony’s Patrick Seybold told us, “but as of now, [God of War] is the only one planned.”
Square Enix would not comment.
Everyone seems to like it as an idea, given the positive reactions, so I think it’s easy to say God of War will not be the only franchise with a collection on PS3.
Asking Publishers About Other PS2-To-Blu-Ray Releases [Kotaku]