Open Forum #337
Open, off-topic discussion.
The Open Forum is your domain for anything and everything. Whatever you feel is inappropriate to discuss in other threads, you can discuss here. Want to talk about Shenmue III, SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays, SaGa: Scarlet Grace Ambitions, and other recent and soon to be released games? Then you’re in the right place! Have a random question? Ask it here. Want to poll the community? Do it here. The Open Forum is what you make it.
However, while this is the place for open and off-topic discussion, the usual community guidelines still apply. That being said, please take careful note of the following guidelines:
- No nudity.
- Not safe for work content needs to be posted with spoiler tags. (If you notice a comment that does not do this, please flag it so a moderator can fix it, or notify the user to edit their comment.)
- No trolling or spamming the exact same post over and over.
Enjoy commenting in the Open Forum, and keep it fun and enjoyable for everyone!