Retro City Rampage: DX is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS Vita, PC, and Mac next week, Vblank Entertainment announced.
DX is an enhanced version of the original Retro City Rampage. It includes the following updates:
- Both Games – DX includes both Retro City Rampage: DX and the original Retro City Rampage.
- Missions – Every mission has been touched up, with certain missions edited to improve pacing.
- 3X Zoom Option – This option is tailored specifically to PS Vita, but is also available on PlayStation 4 and PS3.
- Controls – Controls have been tweaked. You can now jump immediately after firing weapons.
- Weapons – Weapons have been re-balanced, some dealing more damage. Cars and explosions blast more effects, too. A new weapon select screen can also be toggled, allowing you to pause the game mid-action and more easily switch between weapons when your inventory is full.
- Arcade Challenges – These are noticeably improved and reworked. Second-Rate Sprees, for example, now run 30 seconds instead of 60. Two completely separate sets of leaderboards are also included – one for Retro City Rampage: DX and one for the original Retro City Rampage.
- Trophies/Achievements – Retro City Rampage: DX has a brand new trophy set, which is now easier to 100 percent.
- Hijacking Weapons – The city now has more to do and is populated with weapon trucks, meaning getting the right tool or the job is a lot more convenient. You can purchase weapons or try to hijack a weapon truck and get them for free.
- Losing the Cops – The wanted level system and police AI have been deepened. Instead of running, if you stop to fight, clearing the on-screen cops will get them off your tail. Defeating three or more will spawn a Cop Coin which lowers your wanted level.
- Mini-map, Touch, and UI – The game now has a larger mini-map, which displays weapon, spray, and power-up shops, as well as enemies, in addition to missions and challenges. You can also set it to display other locations, like specific shops. You can zoom into the mini-map with a single button press, and the entire front end and UI have been redone for PS Vita, including touch support.
- Parking Garages – You can park one of every vehicle equipped however you like in “massive parking garages” and access them from any other garage around the city.
- Jukebox – DX now includes a 147 track music jukebox, allowing yu to queue up hours of music composed by Jake ‘virt’ Kaufman, Freaky DNA, and Norrin Radd.
Here are the release plans:
- PlayStation platforms – November 11 for $9.99 ($7.99 for PlayStation Plus subscribers). A separate purchase from the original Retro City Rampage. The PS3 and PS Vita versions also support saves from the original Retro City Rampage. The original Retro City Rampage will be de-listed and replaced with the DX version, but owners will still be able to download it via their download list.
- PC and Mac – Next week (exact date unannounced) as a free update to Retro City Rampage. The PC and Mac versions will also be cross-buy.
- Xbox 360 – “Hopefully next week” as a free update to Retro City Rampage.
- Wii – November 13 as a free update to Retro City Rampage. Will not include HD video filters and zoom modes.
- 3DS – DX is already available on 3DS, but a future update will add support for the New 3DS’s extra buttons.